It has been suggested that computer game makers Acclaim, who produce titles such as "Showdowns: Legends of Wrestling" and the Worms series of games, have filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in New York.

Acclaim have been in trouble for some time, having been threatened with de-listing from the NASDAQ a few weeks ago. They have also been struggling to renegotiate a major loan facility with some of their creditors for over a month.

There's no official statement available on their web site today and no-one from the company was available for comment, but it is rumoured that all staff were told the news on Friday.

Filing for voluntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy will mean that all their assets will be liquidated to repay their creditors, so most of the games which were scheduled for a Fall release may be sold and could make it into the marketplace via a different publisher.

Wow, das ist hart, daß die Firma komplett liquidiert wird. Bin mal gespannt, wer die Namensrechte dann erwirbt.