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30.07.2000, 02:58
Folgendes Posting von Don Rosa erreichte heute die Newsgroup de.alt.comics:

I have been receiving questions from German comics fans who seem to have been getting lots of mis-information about me while at the comic fair in Erlangen.
Many people say that they heard that I have canceled my "contract" with Egmont comics in Denmark (owner of the German Disney publishers). I have no "contracts" with any publisher, nor will I ever. I am a freelance writer/artist, free to work for whomever I please (who wants me). I used to
work for Egmont and Gladstone -- nowadays I do stories for both Egmont and the French Disney publisher (who pays well!), plus odd jobs for the Finnish publisher. But nonetheless, any work I do for France is available to Egmont (Germany as well) for free (there are no royalties paid to creators in the Di$ney system), so anyone who cares will still see all of the work that I produce... which is not very much, because I am so slow due to my lack of training.
Which brings us to the second question I am getting from many German fans -- the german "Rosa album" series has ceased only because they have finally caught up to my current output of stories. There are no more left to
reprint, so they must wait for me to produce more. That means that the most often the album can appear is once a year, if they continue to print it at all. But I am not informed of their intentions, so I don't know any more about their plans than any of you do.
In other news, it seems I will be back in Germany in October, making a tour of the country for your big department store chain Karstadt (if I spelled that correctly). I assume somebody will announce the schedule of my appearances. I look forward to seeing any of you who want to see me.

Vielleicht interessiert's ja jemanden.

[Dieser Beitrag wurde von pensch am 30. Juli 2000 editiert.]

31.07.2000, 21:37
Ohne weiters auf Rosas Kommentare zu Verträgen und Royalties eingehen zu wollen, kann ich hier nur bestätigen, dass es tatsächlich kaum noch unveröffentlichtes Material von ihm gibt. Wir werden in den kommenden zwei Alben die Geburtstagsstories, die in "60 Jahre Donald Duck" und "50 Jahre Dagobert Duck" erschienen sind, mit bisher unveröffentlichem Material kompilieren. Danach gibt es hoffentlich wieder genügend neue Stories, um ein oder zwei weitere Alben zu füllen. Auf keinen Fall ist die Serie eingestellt.


08.08.2000, 08:39
Und was ist jetzt mit dem Stammbaum? Wird da was draus?

Der Einzige, der keine Signatur braucht