Ein neues Projekt um das Portfolio etwas anzufüttern und sich von der Arbeit abzulenken : X Illustrationen zu Farmer Giles of Ham von Tolkien, die Challenge dazu: keine anderen Farben ausser Blau und Braun zu verwenden, sowohl was die Farbe als auch die Tusche angeht.

Frankfurter Schwanz:

It was still custom for Dragon's Tail to be served up at the King's Christmas Feast; and each year a knight was chosen for the duty of hunting.
He was supposed to set out upon St. Nicholas´Day and come home with a dragon's tail not later than the eve of the feast.
But for many years now the Royal cook had made a marvelous confection, a Mock Dragon's Tail of cake and almond paste, with cunning scales of hard icing-sugar [...].
The Mock Dargon's Tail was eaten after dinner and everybody said (to please the cook) that it tasted much better than Real Tail.